The Inhuman Condition

Welcome to the
viewing Room

Welcome to the exclusive launch of my latest series The Inhuman Condition. Please find the series explanation and gallery rooms below, which contain detailed images and the story behind each work. There are buttons at the end of each room where you can move back and forth through the pieces. Please take your time and enjoy the experience.

Positive change through art

10% of all original art sales from this collection will be donated to your choice of two environmental and humanitarian non-profit organisations – find out more here.

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About the series

‘Since my childhood, I have been fascinated with the link between humans and animalS…

People always assumed that I just ‘liked animals’. But I have come to realise that creature-love is something much, much more than that. It is a desire for spiritual connection, a return to the greater whole, it is a profound expression of unconditional love regardless of form.’

Natasha is fascinated by the interconnection between nature and humanity, and depicts animals in her work to symbolise different parts her psyche and its perception of reality. The Inhuman Condition reflects the artist’s life-long, intense love and admiration of animals, and deeply personal relationship with them and their environment, a love that also underlies a strong commitment to environmental activism.

Combining in this series humans alongside animals and animal-human hybrids, some in the very act of transition, Natasha explores the idea of a shared metaphysical evolution of humans as just one part of the natural world, contradicting the long-held belief that humans are fundamentally different and far superior to other creatures.

The title of the series plays on the adage of suffering being the human condition, asking whether the cause of our innate tendency toward anguish is a direct result of our disconnect with our natural environment. The artist believes that humankind will become more whole by recognising our fundamental, biological and metaphysical connection with all of life.

By recognising these relationships with the natural world, humanity can start to recover the lost parts of itself and find a deeper sense of belonging. “We are, after all, the only species posing a real threat to our own existence,” says Zraikat. “Perhaps, in our eternal quest for information, power and control, we have forgotten what it truly means to be a part of our natural world.”

‘Much of the conflict, aggression and destruction that we see exploding out of humanity in recent times is born from fear. Fear of the other, fear of losing material wealth, fear of losing power. When we fully observe and embrace our interconnectedness – with person, with animal, with earth, with all life as we know it, this fear can no longer exist. There is simply no room for fear when we know this.

This understanding allows us to be fully whole – the complete, loving beings that we were put here to be. This is the reason why I see connection to the natural world as being of utmost importance, it is our key to wholeness, it binds us to the energy from which we emerged, and to which we will ultimately return.’

– Natasha Zraikat