First light


Original oil painting on canvas • 90 x 60 cm • 2023

Expressive, other-worldly cloudscapes are a recurring feature in my work. To me, there is so much emotion that is communicated through the sky above us. The temperature of the light, the colours in the clouds, the coolness or the heaviness of the air, all of these things affect us intrinsically as humans on a profound level.

The sky has the power to alter our mood, to bring a deep sense of peace and to affect how we perceive the world that surrounds us. I look up often each day, and in doing so am constantly reminded to turn my attention to things that are greater than what lays before me, this world is vast, expansive, multi-faceted – the sky is our constant reminder of this.

This painting was inspired by a recent sunrise as seen from my home on the Gold Coast. I wanted to capture vibrant yet soft colours of this cotton candy-like sunrise. This large, oil painted celebration of light and colour is intended to bring a feeling of hope, wonder and infinite possibility that comes with watching a new day begin.

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